Mighty Drake, Inc.

Fireworks 2003

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At Rosy's, 2003

For this year's display I couldn't remember how to set everything to manual.  I ended up getting impatient and started snapping, anyway.  I don't think these turned out near as good as the ones from 2000.  Many were badly overexposed.  Still, some are kind of interesting, so here's a bunch.

As before, the thumbnails link to a medium-sized version of the image.  The large versions, this year, are not as long a download, but they still don't fit onto most moniters.

Echo.jpg (35859 bytes) Looks almost like an echo underneath the upper one
Tree_medium.jpg (36291 bytes) This reminds me of a tree
Large copy
SlightSmear.jpg (32592 bytes) Slightly smeared
RedAndBlue_medium.jpg (36430 bytes) Overlapping bursts
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PurpleSmoke_medium.jpg (19803 bytes) Pretty purple smoke
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LavenderDrag_medium.jpg (19650 bytes) With several images I purposely moved the camera during the exposure.   This drag against purple looked pretty good
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Comet_medium.jpg (20233 bytes) Rorshach test:  That looks like a comet embedded in there
Large copy
Butterfly_medium.jpg (11811 bytes) And is this one a butterfly?
Large copy

Aug 2004: Interestingly, this picture is one of only two pictures on my site that have been leeched by others.  One person is using it for a personal site and three others have used as the background for their journal.  I've never seen it within the first several pages of the search engines, but for the last few months I've seen several people come from Yahoo with the search of "butterfly."

Bars_medium.jpg (24095 bytes) Dunno what to call these lines
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LavenderSquiggles_medium.jpg (23675 bytes) Lavender squiggles
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ReadSmear_medium.jpg (25263 bytes) A red smear
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CometSmear_medium.jpg (30652 bytes) There's another comet in there
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Purple_medium.jpg (27625 bytes) Purple and squiggly
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UpwardBursts_medium.jpg (16136 bytes) Upward bursts
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BlueAboveFountain_medium.jpg (14247 bytes) A blue ring above a "fountain" (really, the next firework launching, I think)
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GreenAndBlueSquiggles_medium.jpg (30323 bytes) Camera motion produced green and blue squiggles
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GreenSquiggles_medium.jpg (13337 bytes) Green squiggles
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BlueSpider.jpg (31177 bytes) A blue spider-looking thing
VeryRed_medium.jpg (22200 bytes) Very red glow
Large image
BlueAndGreen_medium.jpg (34514 bytes) A blue burst and a green... something
Large copy
MediumSmeared.jpg (36198 bytes) Just kinda smeared
GreenRain.jpg (34938 bytes) Green rain
TearDrops.jpg (37048 bytes) Tear drops
RedOverGreen_medium.jpg (29888 bytes) Red burst over a green one
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TrailingSmoke_medium.jpg (58443 bytes) Kinda looks like smoke is trailing off the blue burst
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RedFlower_medium.jpg (17517 bytes) Sort of a flower shape
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RedInShower_medium.jpg (26453 bytes) A red burst in the shower of a previous burst
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Blueleft.jpg (47627 bytes) Big blue burst with a smaller one appearing within it
BlueGreenSquiggles_medium.jpg (38268 bytes) Some blue and green squiggles
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Shower_medium.jpg (25143 bytes) A farily standard shower
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BlueSpider2.jpg (32493 bytes) Another blue spidery thing
NotFireworks.jpg (12915 bytes) These almost don't look like fireworks
WhiteDrag.jpg (24860 bytes) Kinda dandelion looking
GreenOverSmallWhite_medium.jpg (22994 bytes) Green burst above a little white one
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BlueAboveJet_medium.jpg (19663 bytes) Blue burst above a disjointed jet
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BlueStrange.jpg (24719 bytes) Blue haze around some thick squiggles
StarCluster_medium.jpg (14894 bytes) Somehow these points make me think of a star cluster
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ThreeBursts.jpg (47528 bytes) Three close bursts
Blurry_medium.jpg (21630 bytes) Something about the camera motion makes these look blurry
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Worms_medium.jpg (25848 bytes) Worms
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RandomLines_medium.jpg (24926 bytes) Random lines
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FaintBlue.jpg (16334 bytes) Faint blue squiggles
MatrixGreen_medium.jpg (27760 bytes) Matrix green haze
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Triplicate.jpg (19251 bytes) Something about the triple-copy appealed to me
LottaBlue.jpg (46895 bytes) Lotta pretty blue
PalmFrond.jpg (21892 bytes) A palm frond
GreenOverWhite.jpg (25765 bytes) Green over white
BlueRedIntertwined.jpg (24077 bytes) Blue and red squiggles intertwined
RandomRed_medium.jpg (21225 bytes) Random red lines
Large copy
Redworms.jpg (24537 bytes) Little red worms
PointsAndSmear.jpg (25183 bytes) Some points and some smear
Cascades.jpg (44083 bytes) Fusillade
WhiteAndGreenPoints_medium.jpg (20108 bytes) Green points scattered around a white burst
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SimpleWithMotion.jpg (52531 bytes) A simple white burst with some camera motion
OverexposedRedWithGreenSwirls_medium.jpg (31791 bytes) Overexposed red with some green swirls
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Tadpoles.jpg (49701 bytes) Tadpoles
SquigglesAndPoints.jpg (37929 bytes) Squiggles and points
ThickAndThin.jpg (34141 bytes) A thick burst and a thin one
RedSomething_medium.jpg (30657 bytes) Red... something
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BlueWorms_medium.jpg (29143 bytes) Blue worms at the bottom
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Remnants_medium.jpg (27408 bytes) Remnants of the previous burst
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BlastOff_medium.jpg (29012 bytes) Blast off
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BlueOverBrightt.jpg (33955 bytes) Blue burst over bright launches
FuzzyGreen.jpg (16028 bytes) Fuzzy green
RedSwastika.jpg (19686 bytes) Bent lines

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Last modified: August 01, 2004
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